Digital Marketing Apps for Reviews, Referrals, & WOM
Unleash the Power of Reviews, Referrals, and WOM?
Explore Our Simple, Powerful Solutions
It's Buzztastic! Your customer texts their email address to a cell phone number, and they immediately get a text back with a link. That link takes them to a review site. Within 15 minutes, they will also get an email with multiple other options to leave reviews (e.g., Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zillow, Facebook, etc.).
Thanking your customers for reviews is up to you, and can be tricky. Not only do services like Google and Yelp have strict rules, the FTC has its own rules.
It’s InstaSimple! Your customer texts their email address to a cell phone number, and they immediately get a text back with a referral form. They fill out the info about the person they want to refer, and within 15 minutes, they get a confirmation email with their incentive or reward (e.g., a gift, a coupon, etc.).
We then send an email to the person being referred, giving them the 411 on who referred them, and what's in it for them to sign up -- a token of appreciation.
Let Us Help You Engage & Grow
Ask4Buzz Scenarios
Brick & Mortar Local Business
Do you have a restaurant, a coffee shop, a maybe a spa? Are you a roofer, or a plumber? Simply ask for a review when your customers check out, or you are finished with your job. Post a sign telling your customers to text/SMS their email address to your Ask4Buzz phone number. You then text them back a link which goes to a review site where they can buzz about you.
What you get? Potentially a review (worth a lot), an email address for your email marketing (worth a lot), and a cell phone number you can use for SMS marketing (worth gold -- right now).
Trade Shows & Events Fulfillment
As a trade show or event manager, you always have to balance the cost and benefits of distributing information physically (print, memory stick, etc,). With Ask4Buzz, you can ask attendees to text/SMS you their email address in return for electronic delivery of information (e.g., white papers, copies of presentations, etc.).
Attendees have no extra "stuff" to take home and your deliverables are not going to end up in some circular file. You'll gain valuable email addresses and cell phone numbers for permissions-based email and SMS marketing.
Ecommerce-based Web Sites
After a customer places an order on your ecommerce site, you could send them a request for referral or review in a timely manner (e.g., within a few days of getting their product, which is when they are most likely to have an opinion about the transaction). Ask4Buzz sends an email or SMS to the the customer asking 4 buzz (or a referral, or a review) to complete the transaction.
What you get? Potentially a referral (worth a lot), an email address for your email marketing (worth a lot), and a cell phone number you can use for permission-based SMS marketing (worth gold -- right now).
What the Buck Is a Review Worth?
Our pricing is pretty simple: You can try our plan with our "Student" option, which lets you use the system for $1/review or referral request. Or you can choose from one the three plans below. The only difference is the number of review requests you send! All plans can be be upgraded or downgraded at any time.
Up To 100 SMS & Emails
SMS your clients 4 buzz
Ask4Buzz mobile phone number
Extra Review Requests at $0.75/each
Up To 250 SMS & Emails
SMS your clients 4 buzz
Ask4Buzz mobile phone number
Extra Review Requests at $0.60/each
Up To 500 SMS & Emails
SMS your clients 4 buzz
Ask4Buzz mobile phone number
Extra Review Requests at $0.50/each